As you prepare to file your taxes, whether jointly or separately as a newlywed couple, there are a few things to keep in mind. Firstly, if either you or your spouse changed your name after the wedding, it is important to notify the Social Security office. You can do this by filing the SS-5 form. Once the Social Security Administration issues your new Social Security card in your new name, they typically inform the IRS within 24 hours. However, to ensure that your name change does not slip through the cracks, it is recommended to file the IRS 8822 form. This form is free and will provide you with the reassurance that your name change has been properly covered with the IRS. The IRS 8822 form alerts the IRS of your new name, preventing any confusion about your identity and ensuring that they do not hold your tax returns. It may seem unlikely, but it is worth checking with your accountant about the pros and cons of filing your taxes jointly or separately. Every couple and state have different circumstances, so taking the time to understand tax laws and how they will affect you is a wise investment. Now that you are married, it is advisable to have a discussion with your spouse regarding what to do with your tax returns if you file together. Will you both split the lump sum evenly, or will it be based on who made what in the previous year? These are tricky questions to answer, but it is much better to hash out expectations now rather than arguing about them when the check arrives in the mail. If you have any more questions regarding name change and taxes, the experts at Ms. Name Change are happy to assist you.
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Irs name change 8822 Form: What You Should Know
Information about Form 8822 can be found online under “Forms and Publications Related to the Taxpayer's Home or Home Office Business” in the forms page. Aug 27, 2025 — If you are filing a recent Form 1065, mark the appropriate box on the form: Page 1, Line G, Box 13. If you used your tax account number on an item of personal consumption expenses on Schedule C (Form 1040), or a Form 6251, enter “I” (the “I” is the last number in the Form 6251 tax form) in the box. Enter “F” (the “F” is the first number in the Form 1065) in the box. If you were a corporation that entered a corporation name or changed a corporation's address using Form 8822, the “F” in the Box 10. Otherwise, enter “I.” The new business name is entered in box 11. In addition, if you previously reported income (other than income taxed as capital gains) on line 25 on the return filed as an individual or on line 23 on the return filed as a married individual filing jointly, you must enter the previous year's income for these purposes on line 15. For example, if you filed jointly for 2016, use line 23 to enter the 2025 income and line 25 to enter the 2025 income. Do not use line 23 to enter both line 25 and line 23. If you were an individual with an adjustment of status (former employee, former partner, etc.) for 2016, use line 18 to enter the previous year's income. Do not use line 22 to enter both line 8 and line 18. If you did not receive this information for either of these years, use Line 21 to enter the current year's income. Aug 28, 2025 — If you were a partner for 2016, use line 26 to enter the income earning in 2016. If you are a partner for 2017, use line 28 to enter the income earning in 2017. If you were a partner for 2016, use line 26 to enter the income earning in 2016.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Irs name change form 8822